Thursday, August 23, 2012

1st Vet Records

Momma just got my first Vet Records. Found out I've always had skin infections,and eye infections. Plus, I'm a year older than any of us thought. So I'm 8 instead of 7. Momma talked on the phone to my first owner, he was a really nice gentleman. He's looking to see if they have any pictures of me being a pup. Momma really hopes they do. Regardless of anything I'm in my forever home and Momma and Daddy will never give me up. I'm happy with my family,and they are happy with me. Just the way it all should be. Momma told the gentleman, she wouldn't trade me for anything at all. :)

On another note, What's everyones plans for the weekend? I think we are going to the beach house. Gonna see if I can thin down the seagulls. BOL

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Warm Fuzzy's for the Heart

This photo of John Unger holding his 19-year-old dog Schoep in Lake Superior is capturing hearts across the internet.

Unger rescued the dog as a puppy, and the two have been together since then. Schoep suffers from arthritis and Unger found that the warm summer waters of Lake Superior helped him relax and fall asleep.

He asked photographer Hannah Stonehouse Hudson to take a picture of what he believed might be one of their last moments together.

In a piece for the Duluth News Tribune, John Lundy writes:

Unger and his then-fianceé found the dog 18 years ago at a humane society in Ozaukee County, Wis., when it was an 8-month-old puppy. "We knew we wanted to work with an animal who was abused,"

Unger said. "I just had a vision of working with an animal to bring out his full potential." Testing suggested that the dog had been beaten by a male, and it took Unger another eight months to fully earn his trust.

The relationship with his fianceé didn't work out. They shared custody of Schoep for a while, but he has been Unger's full time since his former fianceé moved to Colorado 13 or 14 years ago. But the breakup with his fianceé caused Unger to enter a depression.

One night, he said, he went to a breakwater in Lake Michigan off Milwaukee with thoughts of suicide. "To be honest with you, I don't think I'd be here if I didn't have Schoep with me (that night). He just snapped me out of it. I don't know how to explain it. He just snapped me out of it. ... I just want to do whatever I can for this dog because he basically saved my ass."

Miniature Poodle,More than just fluff

Trained Poodle Tracks Lost Service Dog

Highly trained miniature poodle tracks and finds a missing service dog near El Paso, TX.

El Paso, TX, August 02, 2012 --( A young lady named Melissa was recently visiting her grandparents in Fabens, TX when her service dog Cobalt accidentally slipped out of the yard and wandered off. Responding to a plea for help, El Paso resident Norma Rust and her tracking dog came to the rescue and quickly found the missing pooch.

Melissa had searched the internet in vain to locate a bloodhound after she discovered her dog was missing. When she came across Norma's name on a local website, she sent off an email plea for help. Norma agreed to bring her trained dog to try and track the missing Cobalt. Cowboy, formally known as OTCH Sandstorm Pardon My Dust VCD3 UDX3 OM2 TDX MX MXJ, is a highly trained miniature poodle. He sniffed Cobalt's service dog jacket, and off he went. Nose to the ground, he lead Norma and Melissa down streets and around corners. Then, Melissa excitedly called out when she sighted her dog. A joyous reunion followed.

Norma commented that Cowboy had not practiced his tracking for several years. Furthermore, he had never found a missing dog before, since he had only tracked people in the past. This day, however, he proved himself a real tracking champion.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Weekend Recap

Relaxed at the beach, Saturday I got groomed,and wheww let me tell ya, I feel so much better!! I look like a  different doggy, my Daddy says. Saturday we grilled burgers and chicken wings, Mmmm mmm they were gooood! Sunday I chased a few seagulls, and played fetch at the beach. I got soaked and had sand everywhere. Momma had to give me another bath but I had fun!!! Tell me about your weekend, what did you do?

Monday, August 6, 2012

Zuke's Giveaway

Benefits of Pet Owning

Pet owners know how much their furry friend improves their quality of life. But it’s not all about unconditional love—although that actually provides a wellness boost, too. On an emotional level, owning a pet can decrease depression, stress and anxiety; health-wise, it can lower your blood pressure, improve your immunity and even decrease your risk of heart attack and stroke. But the positives don’t stop there

While some studies have found a stronger connection than others, having a pet has the potential to lower blood pressure, especially in hypertensive or high-risk patients, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). “If you have a dog around, your blood pressure is lower,” says Marty Becker, DVM, veterinary consultant for Good Morning America and author of the upcoming book Your Dog: The Owner’s Manual. “A lot of it goes back to reducing stress: You might lose your job, your house, your 401(k)—but you’ll never lose the unconditional love of your pet.”

Believe it or not, pets can be the best medicine, especially when a person is dealing with chronic pain such as migraines or arthritis, says Dr. Becker. “Just like Valium, it reduces anxiety. The less anxiety, the less pain,” he says. One study from Loyola University found that people who use pet therapy while recovering from surgery may need significantly less pain medication than those who do not. 

According to the CDC, another heart-healthy result of owning a pet is lower cholesterol. People who own pets–and men, in particular–have significantly lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels than those who don't have pets.

A lot of the health benefits of owning a pet may stem from the mental and emotional benefits. “People who have pets are less harried; there’s more laughter in their life,” says Dr. Becker. “When you come home, it’s like you’re George Clooney. You’re a star.” This is a primary reason pets are used in various forms of therapy. “At Walter Reed Army Medical Center, they’re using dogs to help soldiers dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder,” says Katy Nelson, DVM, associate emergency veterinarian at the VCA Alexandria Animal Hospital in Alexandria, Virginia. “They’re finding the guys who have a pet are able to re-enter society a little bit easier. They’re showing a decreased suicide rate, one of the biggest health threats
Although dogs are often touted for their health benefits, cat owners can see gains, too. Felines are just as beneficial to your health as dogs. “If you have a cat, you’re 30 percent less likely to have a heart attack, and you’re 40 percent less likely to have a cardiovascular incident like a stroke,” Dr. Becker says. In addition, pets can aid in the recovery of a heart attack. “If you have a heart attack and you have a dog, you are [significantly more] likely to be alive a year later,”

Children who grow up in a household with pets benefit in myriad ways, especially in their emotional development. “When a child is attached to a dog or cat, they learn to express themselves in more ways and they learn to relate better,” says Landa, who brings children to animal shelters to deliver toys and food. Pets are also hugely beneficial to children suffering from autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). For children with ADHD, taking care of a pet can encourage them to focus on responsibilities through a predictable routine. While the sensory experience of holding and petting an animal can be soothing for children with autism.

My Update

Well let me say, we had a great time with the human brothers being home. We went and stayed at the beach 5 days. That was the longest time we've ever stayed at the beach. We went out to the beach and one day I sat with Momma in the edge of the shore. I wasn't too thrilled over that, I just tried to humour Momma. We did alot of cooking out on the grill and that was extra yummy. Daddy did the grilling but yall know what I mean. We stayed at our house and alot of the youngest human brothers friends were in and out. I got used to them coming and going. I got lots of head pats,and cuddles. Yea I really liked that.Dixie, Fancy, me and the whole family went on walks. That was really nice. When the youngest brother was around the last few days, Momma was giving him lots of Momma love, and its sad I guess to say but I was jealous! I'm the baby now, not him. Anyway, we all had a grand time. Just this morning the youngest one left on another journey to Korea. Momma was so sad. I wasn't allowed at the airport so I stayed home, but I gave Momma lots of magic poodle kisses and she feels better now. I guess that sums it up. I have spent most of the afternoon catching up on everyones postings. I'm glad everyone is doing good now. I love you all with every bit of my lil poodly heart. :)