Saturday, October 6, 2012

Wisdom of Pets

Sometimes the greatest wisdom and encouragement come from the animals who touch our lives.
Human communication can sometimes fall short in conveying spiritual truth. God speaks through whatever means he chooses - and often he chooses animals. Dogs teach us unconditional love. The purr of a kitten can bring peace and warmth.
Paws to Reflect: 365 Devotions for the Animal Lovers Soul offers gentle daily reflections for those who seek to grow spiritually by observing the animal kingdom and all the wonderful lessons it teaches us.
“The journey of rescue work is hard but so profoundly rewarding.  I now find that Paws to Reflect provides me with the daily devotionals and spiritual depth that I need to continue daily as I help  stay the course to help these precious babies.” -- Candace Simpson-Giles, Founder Critter Cavalry National Animal Rescue and Transport
“Paws to Reflect is an intimate and personal journey through Scripture and life as shared with our best friends—our pets. I begin each day by focusing on the positive—my Lab at my feet, gazing across the pastures at our horses, watching our cat wake up, while reading Paws to Reflect. You do well to do the same.” - Dr. Joey Faucette, best-selling author Listen to Life with Your Pets

Paws To Reflect

Monday, September 24, 2012

Good Times!!

Wow!!! Just have to share with you all, the weather has turned cooler and guess what? My allergies have gone away!!! YAY!!! No skin rashes or bad places on my skin for awhile now. I feel so good, running and playing,and just being a poodle dog. Momma has been amazed!! No nasty ear infections....Ohh Yes Life is good!! My oldest skin brother will be home in a few weeks, and the youngest will be here in February!!!  Can't wait!! Surely am glad the nasty pollen is gone, and i feel good!! :) Have a happy day, friends!! Love you all! :)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

For Doggies with Sensitive stomach's or a upset Tummy

passive resistanceCleo wasn’t feeling well. Our four-year old black Lab had a problem, in that special dog way of having a problem, the kind that finds you outside at 3 a.m., wondering how she ate a paper towel, a pen, six bagels and their bag. Of course dog owners know that goes with the territory, and messy territory it is. But a few years back our vet gave me some swell advice, the sort of helpful tip you never forget: pumpkin.
Turns out pumpkin, in addition to filling pies, soups, and being eminently carve-able, works a certain enzyme magic on stomach irritation. Does it work on people?  I don’t know.  My job was to get it into the dog. “Feed her a tablespoon of pumpkin,” he said, “mixed in her food. Or right from the spoon – if she’ll take it.”
Would she? Her first move was to stuff her mouth with Ducky, thus avoidingwhatever was on the spoon. Take it?
pumpkin panic requires Ducky
cleo says no to pumpkin
And no.
total pumpkin refusal
And no way.
So I mixed it with her food – and for a time, she snubbed the food. She finally ate it, never making the connection that snacking on shrubs, or snail shells, or used Kleenex would earn her dinner a pumpkin garnish.  Now, I have cared for and loved three dogs. I have seen a lot of 3 a.m’s, a lot of snowy, moonlit grass. I wanted a better pumpkin delivery system, and for me, baking something “in” is an easy answer – especially for Cleo, who is sweet and trusting, and not bright enough to suspect a biscuit.
cleo staring at biscuit dough
Rolling dough got her attention…
forking biscuits
…and while they cooled on the counter, she even forgot the edible bits in the yard. Dogs love these simple biscuits and sick or not sick, they make great treats. They’re delightful – but my best advice? Buy wastebaskets with lids. Don’t plant poisonous shrubs, shut bathroom doors, avoid the tastiest pens. And by all means, keep a handy can of pumpkin.
pumpkin biscuits
Cleo’s Pumpkin Dog Biscuits
2 eggs
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
2 tablespoons dry milk
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
2 1/2 cups brown rice flour *
1 teaspoon dried parsley (optional)
Preheat oven to 350.
In large bowl, whisk together eggs and pumpkin to smooth. Stir in dry milk, sea salt, and dried parsley (if using, optional). Add brown rice flour gradually, combining with spatula or hands to form a stiff, dry dough. Turn out onto lightly floured surface (can use the brown rice flour) and if dough is still rough, briefly knead and press to combine.
Roll dough between 1/4 – 1/2″ – depending on your dog’s chew preferences, ask first – and use biscuit or other shape cutter to punch shapes, gathering and re-rolling scraps as you go. Place shapes on cookie sheet, no greasing or paper necessary. If desired, press fork pattern on biscuits before baking, a quick up-and-down movement with fork, lightly pressing down halfway through dough. Bake 20 minutes. Remove from oven and carefully turn biscuits over, then bake additional 20 minutes. Allow to cool completely on rack before feeding to dog.
* Brown rice flour gives the biscuits crunch and promotes better dog digestion. Many dogs have touchy stomachs or allergies, and do not, like many people I know, tolerate wheat.
Makes up to 75 small (1″) biscuits or 50 medium biscuits
Please note: This is not professional medical advice. These biscuits are a healthy everyday treat, and useful for a dog with a sensitive stomach, or minor digestion issues. If your dog is showing any signs of serious distress, remove all food and contact your veterinarian immediately.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

1st Vet Records

Momma just got my first Vet Records. Found out I've always had skin infections,and eye infections. Plus, I'm a year older than any of us thought. So I'm 8 instead of 7. Momma talked on the phone to my first owner, he was a really nice gentleman. He's looking to see if they have any pictures of me being a pup. Momma really hopes they do. Regardless of anything I'm in my forever home and Momma and Daddy will never give me up. I'm happy with my family,and they are happy with me. Just the way it all should be. Momma told the gentleman, she wouldn't trade me for anything at all. :)

On another note, What's everyones plans for the weekend? I think we are going to the beach house. Gonna see if I can thin down the seagulls. BOL

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Warm Fuzzy's for the Heart

This photo of John Unger holding his 19-year-old dog Schoep in Lake Superior is capturing hearts across the internet.

Unger rescued the dog as a puppy, and the two have been together since then. Schoep suffers from arthritis and Unger found that the warm summer waters of Lake Superior helped him relax and fall asleep.

He asked photographer Hannah Stonehouse Hudson to take a picture of what he believed might be one of their last moments together.

In a piece for the Duluth News Tribune, John Lundy writes:

Unger and his then-fianceé found the dog 18 years ago at a humane society in Ozaukee County, Wis., when it was an 8-month-old puppy. "We knew we wanted to work with an animal who was abused,"

Unger said. "I just had a vision of working with an animal to bring out his full potential." Testing suggested that the dog had been beaten by a male, and it took Unger another eight months to fully earn his trust.

The relationship with his fianceé didn't work out. They shared custody of Schoep for a while, but he has been Unger's full time since his former fianceé moved to Colorado 13 or 14 years ago. But the breakup with his fianceé caused Unger to enter a depression.

One night, he said, he went to a breakwater in Lake Michigan off Milwaukee with thoughts of suicide. "To be honest with you, I don't think I'd be here if I didn't have Schoep with me (that night). He just snapped me out of it. I don't know how to explain it. He just snapped me out of it. ... I just want to do whatever I can for this dog because he basically saved my ass."

Miniature Poodle,More than just fluff

Trained Poodle Tracks Lost Service Dog

Highly trained miniature poodle tracks and finds a missing service dog near El Paso, TX.

El Paso, TX, August 02, 2012 --( A young lady named Melissa was recently visiting her grandparents in Fabens, TX when her service dog Cobalt accidentally slipped out of the yard and wandered off. Responding to a plea for help, El Paso resident Norma Rust and her tracking dog came to the rescue and quickly found the missing pooch.

Melissa had searched the internet in vain to locate a bloodhound after she discovered her dog was missing. When she came across Norma's name on a local website, she sent off an email plea for help. Norma agreed to bring her trained dog to try and track the missing Cobalt. Cowboy, formally known as OTCH Sandstorm Pardon My Dust VCD3 UDX3 OM2 TDX MX MXJ, is a highly trained miniature poodle. He sniffed Cobalt's service dog jacket, and off he went. Nose to the ground, he lead Norma and Melissa down streets and around corners. Then, Melissa excitedly called out when she sighted her dog. A joyous reunion followed.

Norma commented that Cowboy had not practiced his tracking for several years. Furthermore, he had never found a missing dog before, since he had only tracked people in the past. This day, however, he proved himself a real tracking champion.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Weekend Recap

Relaxed at the beach, Saturday I got groomed,and wheww let me tell ya, I feel so much better!! I look like a  different doggy, my Daddy says. Saturday we grilled burgers and chicken wings, Mmmm mmm they were gooood! Sunday I chased a few seagulls, and played fetch at the beach. I got soaked and had sand everywhere. Momma had to give me another bath but I had fun!!! Tell me about your weekend, what did you do?

Monday, August 6, 2012

Zuke's Giveaway

Benefits of Pet Owning

Pet owners know how much their furry friend improves their quality of life. But it’s not all about unconditional love—although that actually provides a wellness boost, too. On an emotional level, owning a pet can decrease depression, stress and anxiety; health-wise, it can lower your blood pressure, improve your immunity and even decrease your risk of heart attack and stroke. But the positives don’t stop there

While some studies have found a stronger connection than others, having a pet has the potential to lower blood pressure, especially in hypertensive or high-risk patients, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). “If you have a dog around, your blood pressure is lower,” says Marty Becker, DVM, veterinary consultant for Good Morning America and author of the upcoming book Your Dog: The Owner’s Manual. “A lot of it goes back to reducing stress: You might lose your job, your house, your 401(k)—but you’ll never lose the unconditional love of your pet.”

Believe it or not, pets can be the best medicine, especially when a person is dealing with chronic pain such as migraines or arthritis, says Dr. Becker. “Just like Valium, it reduces anxiety. The less anxiety, the less pain,” he says. One study from Loyola University found that people who use pet therapy while recovering from surgery may need significantly less pain medication than those who do not. 

According to the CDC, another heart-healthy result of owning a pet is lower cholesterol. People who own pets–and men, in particular–have significantly lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels than those who don't have pets.

A lot of the health benefits of owning a pet may stem from the mental and emotional benefits. “People who have pets are less harried; there’s more laughter in their life,” says Dr. Becker. “When you come home, it’s like you’re George Clooney. You’re a star.” This is a primary reason pets are used in various forms of therapy. “At Walter Reed Army Medical Center, they’re using dogs to help soldiers dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder,” says Katy Nelson, DVM, associate emergency veterinarian at the VCA Alexandria Animal Hospital in Alexandria, Virginia. “They’re finding the guys who have a pet are able to re-enter society a little bit easier. They’re showing a decreased suicide rate, one of the biggest health threats
Although dogs are often touted for their health benefits, cat owners can see gains, too. Felines are just as beneficial to your health as dogs. “If you have a cat, you’re 30 percent less likely to have a heart attack, and you’re 40 percent less likely to have a cardiovascular incident like a stroke,” Dr. Becker says. In addition, pets can aid in the recovery of a heart attack. “If you have a heart attack and you have a dog, you are [significantly more] likely to be alive a year later,”

Children who grow up in a household with pets benefit in myriad ways, especially in their emotional development. “When a child is attached to a dog or cat, they learn to express themselves in more ways and they learn to relate better,” says Landa, who brings children to animal shelters to deliver toys and food. Pets are also hugely beneficial to children suffering from autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). For children with ADHD, taking care of a pet can encourage them to focus on responsibilities through a predictable routine. While the sensory experience of holding and petting an animal can be soothing for children with autism.

My Update

Well let me say, we had a great time with the human brothers being home. We went and stayed at the beach 5 days. That was the longest time we've ever stayed at the beach. We went out to the beach and one day I sat with Momma in the edge of the shore. I wasn't too thrilled over that, I just tried to humour Momma. We did alot of cooking out on the grill and that was extra yummy. Daddy did the grilling but yall know what I mean. We stayed at our house and alot of the youngest human brothers friends were in and out. I got used to them coming and going. I got lots of head pats,and cuddles. Yea I really liked that.Dixie, Fancy, me and the whole family went on walks. That was really nice. When the youngest brother was around the last few days, Momma was giving him lots of Momma love, and its sad I guess to say but I was jealous! I'm the baby now, not him. Anyway, we all had a grand time. Just this morning the youngest one left on another journey to Korea. Momma was so sad. I wasn't allowed at the airport so I stayed home, but I gave Momma lots of magic poodle kisses and she feels better now. I guess that sums it up. I have spent most of the afternoon catching up on everyones postings. I'm glad everyone is doing good now. I love you all with every bit of my lil poodly heart. :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Not Really A Wordless Wednesday

I haven't wrote in awhile now. The human brothers are home. The oldest one is in from Overseas for a little while, and the youngest is home , about to leave out on a deployment.  We went to the beach house and stayed for 5 days. We had so much fun, went to the beach everyday, playing ball, the brothers swam in the ocean. I chased a few seagulls, and a couple cats. Mostly we just all loved the family time of being together.  I know Momma will be sad when they leave out again. Honestly I will be too. I will be back to writing on somewhat of a schedule, in about another week. I hope you all are doing well, and enjoying your Summer. Until next time, Peace,Love,and Poodles ! 

Thursday, July 12, 2012


 BSL is a very sad thing as seen in recent days.
Breed-specific legislation (BSL) is a law that bans OR restricts certain types of dogs based on their appearance, usually because they are perceived as “dangerous” breeds or types of dogs.

**It is a common misconception that BSL refers only to breed bans. BSL is seen in two forms: bans and restrictions.**
Breed-specific restrictions may require an owner of a targeted breed do any of the following or more, depending on how the law is written:

Muzzle the dog in public
Spay or neuter the dog
Contain the dog in a kennel with specific requirements (6′ chain link walls, lid, concrete floors, etc.)
Keep the dog on a leash of specific length or material
Purchase liability insurance of a certain amount
Place “vicious dog” signs on the outside of the residence where the dog lives
Make the dog wear a “vicious dog” tag or other identifying marker
Breed-specific legislation applies only to dogs of a certain appearance, not to any and all dogs. It does not take into account how the owner has raised, trained, or managed the dog. It does not take into account the dog’s actual behavior.

Breed specific ordinances are quick fixes and not a sufficient long term solution for the following reasons:

1. Dog problems are generally problems with owner responsibility and are not limited to breeds. When breeds are singled out as dangerous or vicious, responsibility is removed from the dog owner which is where it belongs. Irresponsible people are also less likely to follow the law - and as a result, everyone has to suffer.

2. By limiting the ability of citizens to own certain breeds, responsible law abiding citizens will shy away from those breeds. These are the types of owners that communities need to encourage, not drive away.

3. Communities that have instituted such bans often find that the irresponsible owners and the criminals who use dogs for illegal purposes simply switch to another breed.

4. Breeds and mixes are hard to identify and often dogs are mis labeled and destroyed based on paranioa and prejudice and also punishes those that are good canine citizens. Many breeds function as assistance dogs for handicapped owners, search and rescue dogs, drug-sniffing dogs, police dogs, etc. and drives them out of the community.

The American Veterinary Medical Association and several state veterinary medical associations oppose breed-specific legislation for just this reason.

5. The dog most restricted is the "pit bull." A pit bull is a type of dog, not a recognized breed. See the breed information page for more detail.

6. Passage of laws that are only enforced through complaints cause two problems: 1) they create disrespect for the law if authorities require compliance only upon complaint, and 2) they provide ammunition for neighborhood feuds.

In my own opinion, I have always said any dog can become vicious if they are raised by their owner to be such. Banning a dog or animal just because they are a certain breed or in the Lennox case, just because he looked to have pit in him, is totally absurd. We have all been saddened by his unnecessary death, but let's make it a time to educate, and give other animals a chance to find their forever homes. The American Kennel Club has a free education program created for elementary school children. By showing hate to those that took Lennox's life only adds fuel to the fire. I do not agree they did the right thing but when we show hate to them, it only brings us to their level as well.  May Lennox rest in peace, he will forever be in our hearts.  Your feeling sad? Visit your local animal shelter and give another a chance at life they may not have otherwise. I guarantee your spirit will be lifted. RIP Lennox.

Monday, July 9, 2012


This past weekend we were at the beach once more. I love beaching! However I am a bit tired of travelling and would just like to stay home for awhile. The weather was hot,hot,hot!! I had to be left at the house a few times while the family went out. I didn't like being left at all.  Sunday we all went to the beach, I got to chase some seagulls. That is my most favorite thing to do ever!!! I got my paws wet in the ocean with Momma, that was okay but I'm not a big fan of the water. I hope all my friends here had a wonderful and cool weekend.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Happy July 4th

Wanted to wish everybody a great Happy July 4th. We are going to grill out, and maybe go see fireworks from a safe distance of course. The youngest human brother is on his way home as we are barking right now. The oldest brother will hopefully be here in another few days. Everyone please be safe, the animal shelters are busier on July 5th than any other day of the year, because of pets being frightened and running away due to fireworks. Watch your pets carefully, and keep cool everyone. See ya on the down low before long. 
~Peace,Love,and Poodles

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Help A Shelter Dog

Pedigree has a promotion going,called “Write a post, Feed a Dog”, ”Write a Post and Feed a Dog” will give one 17 pound bag of dry food per post submitted to shelter pets. So if you have a PC, cell phone, Ipad, laptop,etc...start writing your blogpost. its only just a few minutes to remember all the dedicated shelter workers who spend their lives helping fuzzy friends in need, and to help out our furry pals.Any blogger can help.You have until June 30th at midnight ET. Can you imagine all the pets, and humans that have blogs, if each one wrote a blog to share that could be thousands of food bags given to shelters.As an added bonus Dog Tipper has a BlogPaws Swag bag to give one lucky entrant.  Many of us,such as myself came from a shelter, this is just a small way to give back for all their love, help, and support Go write your blog and let's help our friends!

Here’s how you can participate:
Write a blog post mentioning Pedigree's commitment to adoption and finding loving homes for shelter pets.
 Link up your post to the blog hop. You'll find the link at the bottom of

Wordless Wednesday


A lot of my doggy friends and their humans went to a conference over the weekend, (BlogPaws) . I have looked at alot of their pictures and read blogs about the great time they had. I sure am anxious for Barkworld!! Hurry up October, I wanna meet Carma,and her Momma, and make friends with lots of others.
You can go to the BlogPaws website and see how much fun they all had.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Dog Days of Summer

    The dog days of summer can be very dangerous to a pet. Especially pets left in hot cars, every year countless pets die, after being locked in while owners work,shop, or run errands. These tragic deaths are entirely preventable. Most people are aware every year, children die being left in hot cars during the hot weather. Fewer know that countless pets die terrible deaths because these incidents are rarely reported.The combination of warm weather and a closed car can literally be a killer for pets. Even leaving a pet for  "just a minute" can lead to tragic consequences.Some reasons why leaving a pet in a hot car can be deadly include:

 Pets are especially vulnerable  to heat related illness because they can only cool off by panting and through the pads in their feet.
Even on seemingly mild days an enclosed car can be deadly. In a Stanford University study, when it was 72 degrees outside, a car’s internal temperature climbed to 116 degrees within one hour.
~Enclosed cars heat up quickly. In a study by San Francisco State University, when it was 80 degrees outside, the temperature inside a car rose to 99 degrees in 10 minutes and 109 degrees in 20 minutes.

A pet’s normal body temperature is between 101 to 102.5 degrees; a pet can only withstand a high body temperature for a short time before suffering nerve damage, heart problems, liver damage, brain damage or even death.

What you should do if you see a animal left in a hot car is,  call the police, the local animal control agency or 911 right away.Leave your name and phone number with the person who takes the call in case the responding officers need more information.take down the car's color, model, make, and license plate number. Have the owner paged in the store, or call local humane authorities or police. Have someone keep an eye on the pet. Don't leave the scene until the situation has been resolved.Cracking the windows is not going to save a pet. Many pets show excitement/anxiety, barking, and general activity while their humans are gone, and this can add to the heatstroke risk.

It might be easy to look the other way. Stay out of other people's business. The owner must be coming right back to the pet in the car, right? Maybe not. Just how hot is it in there? Studies have shown that even on a "cool" day of 82F, the temperature can reach 109F inside a closed car in minutes.
Each year, animals die in cars. If you saw an animal left unattended in a car, would you call for assistance? Have you helped animals in this way before?You may save a life.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer Safety Tips for Dogs

It is officially Summer today, with the weather heating up, I thought we could all use a refresher about Doggy Safety, Victoria Stilwell at Animal Planet had these tips.

 Summertime is a great time to grab the leash and head outdoors! From vacations and pool parties to fun in the park, there are plenty of activities to share with your best furry friends. But make sure your pooch plays it cool with Victoria's top 10 favorite summer tips.
#1: Be Cool
Dogs can easily suffer from heat exhaustion, so be sure to walk them either early in the morning or later in the evening to avoid the midday heat. Dogs' bodies are closer to the ground than ours, so they heat up quicker.
#2: Careful of the Feet
Try to walk your dog on grass and avoid hot asphalt. Walking on hot roads or sidewalks can cause your dog’s pads to get burned.
#3: Avoid Bloat
When you go out with your dog, be sure to take plenty of water with you, but don’t allow your dog to drink it all at once. Smaller, more regularly spaced doses help prevent bloat and other dangerous or uncomfortable conditions.
#4: Get Wet
Swimming is a great way to quickly cool off your hot dog, but be sure not to let your dog become overtired in the water. Even really good swimmers can tire to the point where it could get dangerous.
#5: Heat Kills
Hopefully it goes without saying that you shouldn’t leave your dog in an unattended car for even a couple minutes. This is well-known, but somehow we continue to hear horrific stories of pets that died from being locked up in a hot car. Don't do it!
#6: Floaties!
If you're out on a boat with your dog, be sure the dog is wearing a life preserver.
#7: Pee Careful
Even the most house-trained dogs often scent-mark new territory, so keep an eye on your dog when checking into a hotel room or vacation house.
#8: Away from Home
If you take your dog on vacation with you, be aware that the dog could feel heightened anxiety by being left alone in a new place. Try to avoid long spells away until your pet is acclimated.
#9: Watch the Sun
Some light-colored dogs need to wear sunscreen around their most vulnerable areas. Consult your vet to see if this is something that applies to your dog.
#10: Doggy Paddle
A really great way to cool your dog during the summer is to provide a kid’s paddling pool. Dogs sweat through their pads, so they can cool down quickly by getting their feet wet.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Beach Blast

The beach was great loads of fun!! Saturday I got groomed, and the groomer did an pawsome job! Mamma got me some of my favorite treats, Zukes~ Filets, and some chicken treats made by Zukes. I just love them!! They are good for us doggies too. I got to run around in our yard without a leash, and we went to the fancy restaurant,but they didn't have any outside tables. Daddy had to take me back to the truck,and had to keep checking on me. We went out to the beach at night, and on Sunday when we went to the beach, I saw a German Shepard swimming. He was awesome! His master would throw a ball on a rope really far out in the waves,then the doggy would swim to it and bring it back. He was impressive but not enough for me to try that! Ohh no not me!! Daddy and I walked on the beach,and I got my paws wet,when the waves came rushing in. We had a blast!! Hope all of you had a great and pawsome weekend too!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Hitting The Beach

Tomorrow evening the family and me are hitting the beach for the weekend. :) Yea Buddy!! Momma will get her camera back that she left last time, so the paparazzi will once again be following me. Anyhow, I plan on having a great time, walking/running on the beach, lazying around,and maybe going to that fancy restaurant again. Last time they let us all sit outside, and I could sit there too. That was fun watching the people come and go, and the boats going by. Hope you all have a lovely weekend too. Until Monday, ..............
Peace,Love, and Poodles from yours truly.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sunshine Award

Dogs and Paws passed the Sunshine Award on to me, I am so appreciative, and blessed,and excited to be making friends in cyberland. :)

The rules are : Answer the questions that come with it
                      Pass it along to 10 people and let them know they have received it.

Here we go with the Questions,and my answers.

Favorite number:
Lucky 7, We have 7 family members

Favorite Non-alcoholic drink:
I really love Sweet Tea, but Momma takes it away from me, and replaces it with Water

Facebook or Twitter:
Facebook, I do tweet but don't really understand it.

My Passion:
Riding in the car,with my ears flapping in the breez! :) True Doggy Bliss!

Favorite Pattern:
Straight Lines, I love chasing after the seagulls, and of course my ball.

Favorite Day of the Week:
Friday, because Dad gets off of work and our weekends are free to do what we want. (Beach time)

Favorite Flower:
Lavender, it calms us all down. ;)

These are our 10 furiends that I am passing the award on to:

* Thanks so much Dogs and Paws for passing this award to me! :)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Bucket List

A lot of humans talk about a bucket list. A list of things they want to do, or accomplish before they go over the bridge.  One of my canine friends, Ms. Carma Poodale was asking yesterday about what is on your bucket list. So here is my blog today. Do you have a bucket list? What is on your list? Hey....Doggies can have bucketlist too. Here are a few things I've listed on mine. I'm anxious to hear what is on your bucketlist.

Petey's BucketList    
* I would like to help find homes for other furr friends not as fortunate as me. 
*More cuddle time with the pawrents
*More car rides with the windows down, and me sticking my head out the window.
*Endless supply of Frosty paws ice cream
*Ride in a hot air balloon
*Playing in the snow (Not much snow in NC)
*Chasing millions of seagulls at the beach
*Long walks to any and no where
*Marking my territory on every tree / bush in sight
*More food from Dad grilling on the grill at home

Friday, June 1, 2012

Road Trip To Surf City,NC

Surf City, is a beach not to far from our house. The drive there is about an hour and half long. One of Momma's friends,wanted to go and get her grandson a skim board for his birthday. Momma said,we would go,so Mrs. Rhonda didn't have to go by herself. We arrived,and went to about 4 different stores, looking a skim board. A skim board is used like a surf board, but you use it in the shallow water,at the edge of the ocean. We rode around a bit, and Momma found a nice beach chair,and umbrella that was being thrown away. We loaded it up, and will use it at the beach when we go again. Momma is quite thrifty. ;)  Dusk fell , Mrs. Rhonda and Momma were getting hungry, and so was I. We had fish plates, and then we were headed back on the road home. Momma,and Mrs. Rhonda were giggling,and catching up with each other. I just decided to have a snooze in Momma's lap, you know there is no place like being comfy in Momma's lap. We had fun as we always do. Although,we didn't make it out to the beach, I was alright with that.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Blogger Challenge

1. When did you begin your blog?  March 2012

2. What was your original purpose for starting a blog? To be more socially and internet active.

3. Is your current purpose the same?  Yes, Although I would love to try new pet products,and be a spokesman for products that are great for dogs!

If so, how do you feel you’ve met your goals? Somewhat, still want to be more involved.

4. Do you blog on a schedule or as the spirit moves you?  As the spirit moves me.

If the former, how often — and what techniques do you use to stick to it?  I try to blog at least 2-3 times a week

If the latter, do you worry about… well, whatever you might worry about (e.g. losing traffic, losing momentum)? I'm just getting started really.

5. Are you generating income from your blog?  No

If so, how (e.g. sponsor ads, affiliate relationships, spokesperson opportunities)?

If not currently, do you hope to in the future — and how?  Would like to partner with several companies offering dog toys,food,clothes,and accessories .

6. What do you like most about blogging in general and your blog in particular (bragging is good!)?  Meeting people and pets worldwide!

7. What do you like least?  ??

8. How do you see your blog changing/growing in 2012?  More followers hopefully, and would love a sponsor.

Memorial Day 2012

My 2 human brothers are both military. The oldest is serving with The NC National Guard, and the youngest serves with The U.S. Air Force. I am surely am proud of them both. Although Momma is sad at times because they have to be away from home. We had a great weekend. The youngest human brother was home,and we stayed at the beach house for a few days. The wind was rough,and on the beach it felt like we were being sandblasted. Momma and Daddy both had sunburns. I had to get a bath that night,because Momma said I had 5 tons of sand in my hair. We cooked on the grill and just chilled out. The weekend was most relaxing. Hope you all had a great one as well.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Freeport, Bahamas


Momma,Daddy,and human brother Christopher went cruising to the Bahamas.  I had to stay with our neighbor,Mrs. Brenda. I was good,she treated me just like her own. We went to McDonald's, and had nice walks. Mrs. Brenda took care of Dixie and Fancy as well. Dixie is my sister, and Fancy is my human brother's Daron doggy. Momma wants to take over my blog today and tell about her vacation to The Bahamas,so here she is.....

Hello, This is Petey's Momma, Sue.
First off, we had talked about going on a cruise for a long time. We finally did t, and we all had a blast! This was the best vacation we have ever had. We drove 3 1/2 hrs from South port, to Charleston,SC. We went thur customs and all the hoopla. Finally we are on the ship. The ship was gaily decorated,and had a great fun atmosphere. We found the way to our stateroom. The room was fairly small,but served the purpose. We had not packed our swimming suits in our carry-on, so we had to wait for our luggage to be brought up. We just went and explored the ship, while we waited. Then we sat by the pool and had a few drinks on the Libdo deck. We were late getting our luggage, so we ate in the buffet dining room. They had a lot of food to choose from, sweet bar, fruit bar, salad bar, and the main food bar..I tried a lot of foods, I wouldn't normally eat. I had Lobster, Alligator,Frog Legs to just name a few. (In the Jubilee Dining room, the 2nd night was the Captain's dinner. Most everyone dresses very formal this night.) Afterwards we went back to our room, luggage had arrived. Then made our way to the Serenity deck and enjoyed the hot tub for awhile. On this deck no one under 21 could be there. In our room for the night, we got ready to rest, the ship did have a lot of swaying, I was feeling quite dizzy headed, after the first night we were fine. Next morning, we are up early, and go back to the buffet dining room. Had a lovely breakfast, then we got ready for sunbathing by the pool, (you have to get up at the crack of dawn to get a lounge chair, *lesson learned). We had a great day at sea, and making lots of new friends. More exploring, and enjoying the hot tubs at night. Next day we pull into Nassau, we took a taxi tour guide of the city. I wasn't too impressed, houses looked like slums,and the city just had a dirty look to it,very poor way of life here. Unemployment rate there is around 13%. Most locals work for Atlantis, and make around $5.50 per hour. We did enjoy a short trip to Atlantis, they charge $25,000 a night to stay in their hotel, with a 4 night minimum. We couldn't view the aquarium, due to our guided tour. We then go back thru the city, and we get to visit Cabbage Beach, this was a very wonderful place, and the bluest water I had ever saw. Then its time to head back to the ship. Next day we are in Freeport. Next to the ship's port, they have a mini mall, and a few food vendors set up. They also had a strawmart, I really enjoyed that, it was like an outside thrift shop. Locals had homemade straw baskets, T shirts, caps, walking canes, sea shells,etc... for sale. We took a taxi ride into the city, Freeport, was very nice and clean, unlike Nassau. The beach we visited here left a lot to be desired. The water was somewhat blue, but not like the one in Nassau, however the water was clear. They  also had a larger Straw Mart, inside the city. The taxi we rode in was rugged, and the seats swayed back and fourth, and when we rounded the curves, it made a squealing sound. We had quite a few laughs over this.Coming back port side, we enjoyed eating Conch, it was deep fried, and served with fries and coleslaw. So, back to the ship, The Libdo deck was the place to be, they had something going almost the whole time. Games, Contests, Bingo playing, Dancing. We had lots of fun, and we were talking about another cruise before we ever left ship. There was a large casino, comedy club, a waterpark for the kiddies, a stage area where they had shows, we enjoyed a show that was a tribute to The Beatles. I recommend anyone going on at least one cruise, but then your hooked, and sure to be going again. :)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Momma's Day!

I want to say,I have the best Momma ever! There is nothing she wouldn't do for me. I knew the day I picked her out,I had the best one!! Happy Mother's Day to you all.

Momma and Daddy are leaving for a few days,and I won't have internet access. I'll be back in about a week.
Until then, Peace,Love,and Poodles!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Allergies again...

I sure wish allergy season would be over with already. Had to go back to the vet today to see Dr. Melanie. Now I have medicine to take while Momma is gone on her trip....Grrr. Has anyone ever dealt with Atopica pills for allergys? Dr. Melanie said she has never prescribed it for dogs,but with Cats, it has worked great. Momma has been reading the phamplet we got today, and it sounds great... just wondering if any of you have ever taken it.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Check out my page on - The Internet's Premier Social Network for Pets! To view my page click the link below:

Thanks, Petey and Momma

Ohh My Dog!!!!

I have won a free conference pass to Barkworld ( !!!  My friend Carma won the free trip! I am so excited!! My little poodle tail has been wagging to and fro, all morning. :) Now I will get to meet Carma,in October,and meet a lot of other new friends. Today is truly a great day!! I am hoping to be more socially active,and I want to start being able to recommend and give advice on some cool dog products. Ohh Yea,I'm going!!! Hope to see you there!!!! You can get your ticket to go here,
I am one happy poodle!! Poodle dance in progress! :)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tag Yourself!!!

I love games and  love the game of tag.

1. Describe yourself in 7 words: Silly energetic, feisty, angelic, protective, persistent, HANDSOME!!!
2. What keeps you up at night: Neighbors driving in and out,Cats fighting, Thunder
3. Who would you like to be: Nobody...I have the best life now,wouldn't trade for anything!!!
4. What are you wearing now: My Collar,and ID tag.
5. What scares you: People wearing hats,hoodies,etc.. Unruly children
6. What is the best and worst thing about blogging: The best: I get to tell you all about my adventures...the worst: when she doesn't let me at the computer and I lose track of you all
7. Whats the last blog you visited: Carma Poodale's
8. What's one thing you wish you could change about yourself: Umm,nothing I'm a poodle!!!!
9. Blankets:Love them,I have 2 that are fuzzy and soft. (spoiled?? yea)

* So write back to me,I'm waiting to hear from all of you!!!!

Me, Spoiled??

The contest for Barkworld has ended. Sure hope I win. I would be so happy to be able to go. Barkworld looks like so much fun,meeting other doggies and their owners,all the doggy activities,and treats they give. I just have to wait until between now and May 7th,to know who won.

  The weather here has warmed up a lot today. The weather man says by Friday it will be around 100 degrees. Wheww, I know one poodle who will be inside,by the air conditioning. The good thing about warm weather means, I will be getting to go to the beach right regular. I love being outside,seeing all the new flowers, and people passing. My pawrents love the beach too, so I know we'll be going quite a bit.  For the next few days though I'm going to enjoy the ac. Momma says I'm spoiled,but umm she made me this way! Momma gives me most anything I want,kibble,water, walks, bellyrubs, head scratches,backrubs, clothes, hmm, maybe I am just a bit spoiled. BOL!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Peace,Love,and Poodles: “Eukanuba Paws In Motion to BarkWorld”

Peace,Love,and Poodles: “Eukanuba Paws In Motion to BarkWorld”: My beautiful and lovely friend Carma Poodale Allen, has been writing on her blog,, about a social media event in...

Monday, April 23, 2012

My Life

Blah Weekend

We left for the Beach,Friday night. Saturday was nice,but Momma and Daddy were working at the house. The rain came in around 5:00 that evening,and it rained off and on the whole time. We didn't even get to go out to the beach. No seagull chasing this trip. Sunday we did go to the Southport Waterfront Park.  I saw a few people out and about,but it was still misting rain,so we didn't stay long. Hopefully our next trip,will be much better! I hope your weekend was much better.
Peace, Love,and Poodles to all!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Beach Time

Leaving for the beach, we'll be back in a couple days. I'll be sure to blog and post pictures, when we get back. Catch ya laterzzz, Happy Tail wags to all for a great weekend!
Peace,Love,and Poodles,

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Hunt for a Great DogFood

I had to let my Momma know,I was tired of my food choice. I do get table scraps, and what have you. I know alot of humans say that is a no-no but hey...Momma wants me to be happy.My kibble was just not doing it for me anymore. Momma gets me some Diamond Natural food. Diamond Natural had great reviews and ratings. Then last week they had a recall, because some of their food could cause food poisoning. Momma almost had a heart attack when she found out. Luckily the bag we had was not on the recall list. Still Momma says it just doesn't fit right, then she found out, Diamond Natural had had recalls before as well. Now we are on another hunt for my kibble. I tried some Chicken Soup For The Dog's Soul, and it was quite tasty. I also liked Canidae. Seems that Canidae is the best by far,for nutrition. Right now, we are undecided, I would love to hear from each of you,and your thoughts on Doggy Kibble. So come on tell me what your eating, and how good it is. 
Peace,Love,and Poodles,

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

“Eukanuba Paws In Motion to BarkWorld”

My beautiful and lovely friend Carma Poodale Allen, has been writing on her blog,, about a social media event in Georgia for us animals, it is called Bark World, and this is the website  I would really love to go.
This is my blog entry for the contest, to win a trip to the  barkworld expo. I would love to go and meet some other pet bloggers and their pawrents. I love party's and being with my friends. I like having fun. I like going on fun road trips, there are so many cool things to see and smell along the way. I am a great doggy,and a great traveler. I only use the bathroom outside. I only bark when I have something really important to say, or when I need some extra attention from Momma, and Daddy. I have had a facebook account for awhile now, and I have many pawsome friends there. I have recently started this blog, to be more socially involved in the world, and to meet new friends. What I really would like to do is to be a voice for products/ food that is good for us pets. I would love to be able to tell others, yes this is a great product, or this is some really yummy food, you will love it!  I like making people and other pets happy, and bringing a smile to their face. What better way than to be a voice for these products, and let other pets be happy and content, thus their pawrents are happy because their pets are happy. I really hope, my entry is chosen. I think barkworld expo would be utterly pawtastic!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter 2012

Easter came and went. My youngest human brother came home. Chris got in Friday night, He aggravates me at times, but Momma says he does it because he loves me. We all get along pretty good. I did sit in his lap and was able to get a few rubs and pats from him. He left today at lunch, He is in the Air Force, and stationed in Georgia. Momma was sad to see him leave, and honestly I was too. He will be back in a few weeks, but you all know there is nothing that can compare to being at Home. I hope everyone had a great Easter holiday with your families. Peace,Love,and Poodles until next time.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

I'm hoping I have had my last visit to the Vet, for awhile. I know Momma and Dad are hoping so too. Recheck was good, and blood work came back normal. Hoping the allergies are gone. I am now focusing on this blog, and becoming more social. I welcome any and all to be friends. The weather here is rainy and cool today. Hope everyone has a dog gone good day!
Peace,Love,and Poodles!

Monday, April 2, 2012


I don't really like going in for grooming. I just want to be with my Momma at all times. Momma usually has my hair cut pretty close in the summer, and my face, and paws shaved. Momma says she likes me grew out now, and that I look like a poodle teddy bear. BOL! Here is my question, would you all advice me to get cut close as usual for Summertime weather, or should I just get a touch up, and stay like I am? I'm hoping Momma learns to groom me soon. She has been talking about doing that but she is nervous. So leave me some comments and let me know what your take on it is. 
Peace,Love,and Poodles!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Today on You Pet, (its a site like facebook, but centered for the animals) I was chosen as Star pet of the day. I was so excited!! Momma was excited too. I have met so many great animal friends,and their owners there. You pet is truly one of my most favorite websites. You should try it out,if you haven't already. Here is a link to my page there., hope enjoy it as much as I do! :)
Peace,Love,and Poodles!
Just came across this a little while ago. Poodles normally live to be around 13-15 yrs old. I certainly hope I live as long as this one here. 23 years is an awfully long time, especially in canine years. Check this out,
In my life I have found that us Poodles have a few issues at times, I'm barking about ear and skin infections. Ear infections are the worst I think. My Momma has found that using ear powder is a great help to get the hair out that causes these infections. Late in my life, I have developed allergies. Maybe I had them all along, but in the last couple years,they have definitely shown their ugly face. I am awaiting a time to have allergy testing done. Momma and I believe its just seasonal allergies, so I may have to get shots. I hope not, maybe the antibiotics will do the trick. Keep your paws crossed for me!
Peace,Love,and Poodles! XOXO
This is my first attempt at a blog. I want to be more social, and interact with other animals, poodles like me, and all animal lovers. I guess first of all I will tell you about me. When I was a wee pup, an older man was my Pop. I had a brother,who was a beagle. I'm not sure what happened to him. My Pop was getting older,and felt like he couldn't care for us, so we were put up for adoption at a local shelter. One of the women there took me home but,she didn't care for me as she should. Somehow I came to stay with a family friend,of the family I have now. Momma was asked if she wanted a poodle. She told the friend to bring me,and let her see me. Wow! We had an instant bond. I loved her, and started jumping up to her shoulders. I was telling her,I wanted her to be my Momma and I was going home with her. Since that day, I won the doggy lottery! Really I did! My Momma and Daddy take great care of me, I knew they were meant to be my family.  Sometimes it takes awhile to get where we are meant to be, but it does happen. Hope I didn't bore anyone with this. 
Until the next time,   Peace,Love,and Poodles!! :) 